The Company - The Brand    

The Logo
The corporate logo features four stars. These represent the heavens and symbolise the challenge our Colleges present their students: to extend their reach beyond what is not only immediately ahead of them, but also beyond what is in the distant horizon, and to aim for the heavens. The stars also represent the four key dimensions of our colleges: taha wairua (they foster the spirituality of our students), taha hinengaro (they educate their minds), taha tinana (they address the physical development of our students) and taha Māori (and they foster tikanga Māori).


Latest News
Research Shows that Māori Boarding Schools Have Huge Opportunity to Expand...MORE

2002 NCEA results prove Māori boarding schools are some of the top schools around...MORE

What is Paerangi?
Paerangi Limited is a Limited Liability Company with Charitable status. It was established and constituted in 2001 to support...MORE

Facts & Figures about the Colleges
Where are the Colleges and what do they offer? There are six Paerangi colleges. They are all situated in the North Island of New Zealand...MORE