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The Company
Paerangi Limited is a Limited Liability Company with Charitable status.

It was established and constituted in 2001 to support, assist and advocate for the Māori Colleges. The company’s main task is to work collaboratively with the Ministry of Education and develop a Crown Business Case for the provision of public funds to support and further develop the Māori Colleges.

Since 1996/97, the Ministry has worked with, and provided financial support to Te Runanga o Paerangi and each of the Kura, to progress initiatives aimed at helping and supporting the raising of educational outcomes in these schools.

In 2001, the Paerangi Runanga established Paerangi Limited as a charitable limited liability company to take a lead role in progressing the development of a Paerangi Business Case in partnership with the Ministry of Education. Paerangi Limited was incorporated on the 13th of February 2001 and became operational on the 2nd of July 2001.

6 Māori Colleges form the core shareholders of Paerangi Limited: Turakina Māori Girls College, St Joseph’s Māori Girls College, Te Aute College, Hukarere College, Hato Petera College, Hato Paora College.


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What is Paerangi?
Paerangi Limited is a Limited Liability Company with Charitable status. It was established and constituted in 2001 to support...MORE

Facts & Figures about the Colleges
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